bus driving past an anti-gun banner

Changing the story from shooter to safety

Thousands of school shootings have happened over the years in the U.S., and as they became more frequent people became more vocal about preventing them from happening, but the story stayed the same. For a long time the story was about the shooter. The media pored over the details of why the shooter committed his …

meditating on the beach at sunrise

Clarity, Brilliance, Precision

I have always been a thinker and I am obsessed with efficiency, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized the (ironic) inefficiency of my thought process. I tend to ruminate, and the more invested I am in ruminating, the more anxious I become. The more anxiety I feel, the more time I invest ruminating. …

expert trail


I’ve always wanted to be an expert at something, but I never had the unrelenting drive to earn the title for any one thing in particular.  Instead, I’ve spent my life intensely studying lots of different things for short periods of time. (As a result, I have become reasonably good at a wide variety skills: everything …