Prolific lemon tree

Weeding Out Priorities

In the past I’ve prided myself on replying instantly to every request, but as social media has become more prevalent I find that each time I stop to reply to something it becomes more of a “if-you-give-a-mouse-a-cookie” type situation. I’ll open my phone to check the weather forecast and notice that I have a text. …


Putting your Vision into Words

Once we have recognized the need to make a change, and started to lay the foundation (for some background on this, check out the first article in this series: Change Making…), the next step is to put our vision into words. Look for the common ground that was established earlier on in the change making …

meditating on the beach at sunrise

Clarity, Brilliance, Precision

I have always been a thinker and I am obsessed with efficiency, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized the (ironic) inefficiency of my thought process. I tend to ruminate, and the more invested I am in ruminating, the more anxious I become. The more anxiety I feel, the more time I invest ruminating. …